Shatterbridge Wiki

The Burned Man is the current Archon of the Realm of Kutanda. He takes the form of a human man who has been burned alive. The anatomy of the human is accurate and the skin does not fall off or peel, but it looks as though his skin is made of ash. Cracks rm along his skin, showing a color that has been described as “the glowing of an ember” as he begins to get angry, with reports of flames actually crawling up his body as he enters a rage.

The Burned Man possesses no ability over fire, but can burn most things within his sight with a flick of his wrist. It is not known where this ability came from, but it greatly assists his conversational ability as he is mute. He cannot make any noise, in any form above wheezing, so instead of talking, he uses any surface around him to burn his messages into the surface. Unfortunately, as he primarily resides in his home, dubbed The Crucible, is constantly smoldering and is unbearable for humans to stay in for long period of time, causing the Atendees to be covered in burns.

The Burned Man’s primary downfall is that he burns everything that touches his skin, leaving trails for anyone to follow, and also limiting his mobility to heavy stone carriages or walking.

His primary ability is that anything that he burns or someone with his spark burns, he immediately gains the knowledge of as though he had known it for years. Upon taking the realm, he burned the Grand Library to the ground, gaining all of the knowledge and power that it contains. Countless plans, documents, manuals, and other such works are all in his head, making him a very formidable threat to any resistance in the area.

The Burned Man is one of the more level-headed archons, despite his appearance, calling upon his scholarly ways to deal with situations before resorting to petty violence. He is known to sit down with the “Leader” of the resistance in the Crucible for a game of Chess before even communicating with him.
